SODO EXPRESS - Our latest film looks at the way social media and technology effects behaviour.
by Shaz Hassan
With the trailer ready we are reaching the last push for our long-ish short film SODO EXPRESS.
You can read the director's statement and a bit more about the film over here
Ezra is a street artist who feels like time is running out to succeed in the art world. With an unhealthy obsession with social media he is followed online by famous artist who encourages Ezra to go around town, taking pictures and reposting his work in exchange for likes and access to a bigger audience. Ezra starts to do as this online personality says but it leads into daring and dangerous scenarios.
Director / Producer - Suridh Hassan
Camera - Shazeed
Editor - Tim Grabham
Animation - Ingmar Järve
Music - Matt Rudge, James Longley
Sound Design - IXA
Art Director - Ingmar Järve
Set Decorators - Ezra Dickinson, Zachary Rockstad, Dani Blackwell
Graphics - Ryo Sanada
Featuring - Ezra Dickinson & Zachary Rockstad