• A book cover with the title "BLOC" in bold black letters at the top against a green background. The central image features a surreal collage of a red star shape with a mouth in the middle, and two human arms extending outward. In the background, there is a scenic mountain landscape with a mix of green and reddish tones. The overall design is vibrant and striking, blending natural and surreal elements.
  • An open book displaying a two-page spread. The left page has a black background with the title "BLOC" partially visible in large white letters, and publication information in smaller white text. The right page features a surreal collage against a black background, including a large red human heart, a headless orange female torso, and an eye within a yellow oval shape. The overall design is bold and visually striking, combining anatomical and abstract elements.
  • An open book displaying a two-page spread. The left page features a surreal collage of a person with green-painted hands and a face replaced by an abstract shape, set against a bright yellow background. The right page shows a collage with a red human heart, a headless orange female torso, and an eye within a yellow oval shape, all against a black background. The artwork is bold and visually striking, combining anatomical and abstract elements.
  • An open book displaying a two-page spread with vibrant, psychedelic artwork. The left page features an illustration titled "MONSTER MASH" with a pink humanoid figure in a green outfit and top hat, set against a colorful, chaotic background. The right page shows a green humanoid figure with goggles riding a motorcycle, surrounded by bright, neon colors and abstract patterns. Both pages are filled with dynamic, energetic designs and bold colors, creating a visually striking and surreal effect.
  • An open book displaying a two-page spread with abstract, film strip-inspired artwork. The left page features images resembling overlapping, colorful film frames with a mix of red, green, and blue hues. The right page continues the film strip theme with bright green and yellow colors, showing sequences of small figures and abstract patterns. The overall design is vibrant and dynamic, evoking the look of experimental film strips.
  • An open book displaying a two-page spread with artistic, photo-based images. The left page features a black and white, halftone-style image of a person in a hat and coat, possibly in a contemplative pose. The right page shows a colorful, abstract collage of overlapping images, including figures and objects, with splashes of blue, red, yellow, and black paint. The overall design is dynamic and visually striking, blending monochrome and vibrant elements.
  • An open book displaying a two-page spread. The left page features an illustration of a person with a red face and blue hair, crouching against a colorful floral pattern. The right page has a black background with the text "REST IS PRIORITY" in large white letters and a relaxed person lying down with colorful shapes around them. The design is bold and playful.
  • A partially open book showing the front and back covers of "BLOC." The front cover features the title "BLOC" in bold black letters, with a surreal collage of a red star shape with a mouth and arms, set against a mountain landscape. The back cover has a wavy purple pattern with an eye and the title "BLOC" in large white letters, along with publication details at the bottom. The design is bold and visually striking.


Regular price £10.00

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Discover BLOC - The Ultimate Pictures-Only Art Journal from Soi Books and Stickerbomb World


Introducing BLOC, the stunning pictures-only art journal that showcases the work of collage artists, illustrators, and street artists from the Soi Books and Stickerbomb World community. Each issue of BLOC offers 32 pages of breathtaking visuals that capture the creativity and innovation of today’s emerging artists.

Explore vibrant murals, intricate collages, and striking illustrations that transport you to a world of bold colors and endless inspiration. BLOC features artists with unique styles and visions, all from our Soi Books and Stickerbomb World community.

With no text or articles to distract from the beauty of the images, BLOC is the perfect way to immerse yourself in contemporary art. Discover the talent in your own community and be inspired by the creativity that BLOC brings to life.




DIMENSIONS: Colour print, paper back, saddle stitch, 210 x 275mm

ISBN: 978-1-7397509-9-2


FEATURING WORKS BY:  Bitto  /  Ben Rider  / Diego Etcheverry  /  Elizabeth Corrall  /  Evan Pank  /  Ferizuku  /  Genuine Studio /  Iloobia  /  Pro Heroes  /  Washio Tomoyuki