
  1. SERGIO INGRAVALLE and how to focus on Illustration

    by Shaz

    Sergio Ingravalle's watercolour & pencil illustrations of footballers are famous the world over, and as footy fans, we just love them. Bu...
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  2. Storytelling Styles With Ian Mutch

    by Shaz

    “I live near forests and a beautiful coastline so there’s plenty to see and discover close by...I like to study the micro worlds...bugs, shells an...
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  3. CHIFUMI, Street Art, illustration and life in Cambodia and India

    by Andrea Juanillo

    My favourites pieces are not about the quality of the artwork, but more about all the emotional parts of the creative process. Who took part in the project, how fun was the interaction with locals and volunteers and how deep we create links with the project managers.
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  4. Art and Cannabis with Barcelona based artist As Rude As Possible

    by Shaz Hassan

    "I'm highly inspired by many different things...skateboard designs, hip-hop, punk, pop culture too. I try to absorb everything around me that I lo...
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  5. Nebojsa Matkovic on Art Obesity and Authenticity

    by Shaz Hassan

    "I feel that when you get to the bottom of who you are and where you want to go, things change drastically. That authenticity can kill the creativ...
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  6. SODO EXPRESS - Our latest film looks at the way social media and technology effects behaviour.

    by Shaz Hassan

    With the trailer ready we are reaching the last push for our long-ish short film SODO EXPRESS. You can read the director's statement and a bit mor...
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